※These photos are for illustrative purposes only.
We can cast Japanese models, actors and singers in Japan. We cast Japanese nationals for international commercials and TV shows. We cast models, actors, and singers residing in Japan, but we also have multilingual and native-level English-speaking models and others. We offer flexible casting services that can accommodate complex requirements and projects. Simply let our staff know what you need and we will suggest models, actors, and singers from our network that fit the image you have in mind.
Casting Available Genres
Movie, Drama, CM, Stage, Internet Broadcast, Event, Video Work, PV, MV, Radio, DVD Work, Infomercial, Magazine, Exhibition, etc.
Actors, Actresses, Musicians, Singers, Models
For corporate public relations and advertising managers
If you are in need of a Japanese model or an emcee for a corporate ceremony, for example, to create a sales promotion tool using a JApanese model, or need a Japanese model for an exhibition, please contact KIZUNA Corporation. Our staff will discuss your requirements with you and make arrangements for casting.
We are ready to meet even the most complex requirements for Japanese models, narrators, emcees, and actors who can fully convey the quality of your products.
Casting for International Events
We cast artists and musicians for events in Japan and abroad. If you are looking for Japanese artists to perform at your event, please contact us. We can also attract musicians and dancers from Hong Kong and Macau to your events in Japan. We also provide visa services through administrative scriveners.
Our Past Performance
- 宝島社「Smart」
- 衣料品CM
- 飲料CM
- 食品関係CM
- ファッション関係CM
- 美容関係CM
- 下着メーカーCM
- ゲームCM
- 通販CM
- 生命保険会社
- 「ミュージックデイ・再現ドラマ」
- 「アソビラボ」
- 「世界のディズニーリゾートへGO!香港編」
- 三井住友カードひととき 2019年2月21日更新
料理研究家が教える!コンビニで買える食材で簡単にできるズボラ飯 - 三井住友カードひととき 2019年3月7日更新
春の新生活に簡単DIY!100均でそろえた材料でDIYレッスン 前編 - 三井住友カードひととき 2019年3月11日更新
春の新生活に簡単DIY!100均でそろえた材料でDIYレッスン 後編